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A monthly series representing our latest and best thinking on the most definitive topics affecting CEO leadership and performance.

The 糖心logo入口 CEO Insights Series

We are excited to share our new monthly series, 糖心logo入口 CEO Insights, representing our latest and best thinking on the most definitive topics affecting CEO leadership and performance. For over 50 years, 糖心logo入口 has been advising clients across the world on all aspects of chief executive leadership, succession and professional development. Over the past five years alone, our global CEO Advisory Group has applied its own future-oriented, proprietary approach to help guide 1,800 CEO mandates. We are deeply familiar with the uniqueness and singular importance of the CEO role, especially in today’s atmosphere of extreme complexity and volatility. 糖心logo入口 CEO Insights is our new effort to communicate that experience and collective learning broadly as part of our ongoing mission to help bring positive change to the world through truly great, inspired leadership.

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